boolean a = true    
boolean b = true

<random code in here, booleans may or may not change>

if ((!a || !b) || (!a && !b)){

This code is not working for me, what is a simple solution to this problem?

To be clear: The if statement should work: if at least one of the booleans is false

3 cases:

a = False b = True
a = True b = False
a = False b = False

I could do this in one long if statement, but I was just wondering if there was a simple way to implement this.

  • are you setting the booleans to false at all? because it is checking if they are false and it looks like you have them set to true?
    – Savlon
    Jan 24, 2013 at 4:35
  • @JoseSwagKid : do you mean if either is false call doSomething() , else call doSomethingElse() ?????? Jan 24, 2013 at 4:35
  • Keeping it simple: if at least one of the booleans is false (so either one of them or both of them) - doSomethingElse should be called - I hope that makes it more clear. Jan 24, 2013 at 4:44
  • since all of the answers are either (!a || !b) or !(a && b), this seems like an apropos time to link to DeMorgan's Laws to explain why these two statements are equivalent Jan 24, 2013 at 4:49

7 Answers 7


This should work for you:

if( !a || !b ) {
if(!(a && b)) {  
  ....Then do something 
  • 1
    This does not work. The if statement should work: if at least one of the booleans is false Jan 24, 2013 at 4:42
  • 2
    yes it does work. if one of the booleans is false, then (a && b) will be false. negating that makes it true. therefore the if statement checks if at least one of the booleans is false Jan 24, 2013 at 4:46
  • 1
    Sorry, I found another bug in my code, which was causing this code to not work. Good job! Jan 24, 2013 at 4:49

(Way too much time, breakdown of logic)

Start by applying De Morgan's to get the ! outside: (Although other boolean algebra could be applied at this stage to skip a few steps, I like to show this.)

That is, given:

  1. (!a || !b) (by DM) -> !(a && b) and
  2. (!a && !b) (by DM) -> !(a || b).

Then (!a || !b) || (!a && !b) (by substituion) -> !(a && b) || !(a || b).

Applying DM again:

!( (a && b) && (a || b) )

Now using "distributivity of ^ over v" (x = a && b; y = a; z = b):

!( ((a && b) && a) || ((a && b) && b) )

And by "associativity" and "communicativity":

!( (a && a && b) || (a && b && b) )

And by "idempotence":

!( (a && b) || (a && b) )
!( (a && b) )


!(a && b)

Back by DM:

!a || !b

Of course, a simple Truth Table may have been easier to show this ..


Your if statement will work just change your if Statement to this:

if (!a || !b) { } As you can see above it will work when any one of the boolean is false .

All the Best.


Your proposed solution can be simplified to...

if (!a || !b) { .... }

By checking whether one is false or both are false, you're making sure that both are true, or a && b. The opposite of a && b is !a || !b:

if (!a || !b) {
if (!(a && b)) {

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