I need help with my sed script. I have a XML-file where I have to remove everything except the text enclosed in these tags:


How do I write the sed code ? I know how to remove everything except the text enlosed in ONE tag.


But how do i write the sed code for many tags ?

  • 2
    Why not just use an XML parser?
    – JDB
    Jan 24, 2013 at 20:47

3 Answers 3


You can pass multiple commands to sed:

$ echo '<TEXT>Hello</TEXT>
<HEADLINE>there</HEADLINE>' | sed -n 's/.*<TEXT>\(.*\)<\/TEXT>.*/\1/gp; s/.*<HEADLINE>\(.*\)<\/HEADLINE>.*/\1/gp' 

But you really should be careful when applying regex to XML-like files.


Assuming that you have valid XML:

sed '/.*<\(TEXT\|HEADLINE\)>\(.*\)<\/\(TEXT\|HEADLINE\)>.*/!d;s//\2/' yourfile.xml

If you want to use a sed script add this line:


Then run:

sed -f yourscript.sed < yourfile.xml
  • But how do add this to a script file ?
    – mrjasmin
    Jan 24, 2013 at 21:02
  • @mrjasmin I added that part to my answer.
    – speakr
    Jan 24, 2013 at 21:31

This might work for you (GNU sed):

 sed -r '/<(text|headline)>/I!d;s//&\n/;s/^[^\n]*\n//;:a;/<\//!{$!{N;ba}};s/\n/ /g;s/<\//\n&/;P;D' file

This removes all text accept that which is between TEXT and HEADLINE tags and on multi-line values replaces newlines with spaces.

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