is there a way to trigger the loading animation of a ListView manually?

I load some data on start up from a web service and would like to display a busy indecator.

 function searchData(url) {

        var promise = DataService.getData(query);

        promise.done(function (result) {
            var bindingList = new WinJS.Binding.List(result);

            sectionListView.winControl.itemDataSource = bindingList.dataSource;


this is what I do in app.onactivated

promise = WinJS.UI.processAll();
        promise.done(function () {

I read something that ListView should display busy animation while waiting for a promise... Is this true? Or is this something I have to do manually... display and hide a div whenever needed?

Thanks for any help...

2 Answers 2


According to this thread, the progress ring will only appear if the ListView is hooked up to an asynchronous data source, while the WinJS.Binding.List is synchronous. I don't think there are any asynchronous data sources available by default, so you would have to set up a custom data source to be able to get that default progress ring. I would recommend just setting a progress ring to run when your app starts and removing it in the done block of your data promise.

  • Do you have an example? Because I have a service with an async method and I am binding the result as binding list because I thought this is what ListView wants/needs. How would look the async data source? Jan 25, 2013 at 18:58

You need to create your own custom List Data Source. WinJS provides the utilities to do this pretty easily. This is a good sample against the Bing web service. If you need more samples of how to write your own Data Source / Data Adapter let me know, I've written a few.

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