This query throws an error:

EncodingPreset.where('default = ?', false)

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::Error: ERROR:  syntax error at or near "default"
LINE 1: ...coding_presets".* FROM "encoding_presets"  WHERE (default = ...
: SELECT "encoding_presets".* FROM "encoding_presets"  WHERE (default = 'f')

but this works:

EncodingPreset.where(:default => false)

Why is the first query not working?



2 Answers 2


That's because default is a keyword and has to be put in quotes for use in a query. This should work:

EncodingPreset.where('"default" = ?', false)

default is reserved keyword in postgreSQL that's why it throws error. Change the column name with some other name, then it works

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