I'm using ExecutorService to spawn threads for performing different tasks. When the submit(Callable<T>) method is made, it should return a Future<T> object. Instead, it is returning null. As a result, when Future<T>.get() method is called, it will fail with NullPointerException.

Has any one faced this problem? Or, am I doing something wrong?

ArrayList<Boolean> resultsList = new ArrayList<Boolean> ();
ExecutorService excutorService  = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
for(ClassImplementingCallable myClassImplementingCallable : listOfClassesImplementingCallable) {
    resultsList.add( excutorService.submit( myClassImplementingCallable ) );
for ( Future< Boolean > result : resultList ) {
    result.get(); // getting exception here..
  • Please don't use HTML tags in your questions.
    – assylias
    Jan 30, 2013 at 10:02
  • what are the values returned by the callable? Jan 30, 2013 at 10:03
  • Did you figure out what was going on?? Oct 3, 2013 at 19:35

2 Answers 2


What is surprising is that you could compile your code: you are trying to add some Future<Boolean> to a List<Boolean>...

resultsList should be declared as:

List<Future<Boolean>> resultsList = new ArrayList<Future<Boolean>> ();

Apart from that, you should not receive a NPE with your code as it is, unless one of the myClassImplementingCallable in listOfClassesImplementingCallable is null.

  • Sure, I'l check that. Thanks for ur reply! :) Jan 31, 2013 at 4:18

You should use List<Future<Boolean>> resultsList = new ArrayList<Future<Boolean>>();

    for ( Future< Boolean > result : resultList ) {
    result.get(); // getting exception here..

resultsList is not an array in your code

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