Trying to hide a div after it loses focus or on blur. I have a simple form and am providing some guidelines to users when the focus on the field either by touch or click (this is a site for mobile). It is working as I would like for show, but I have to click on the field again to get the div to hide again.


 <input type="text" id="usernameCL" name="usernameCL" placeholder="Create a Username" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" class="field_hints"/>
<div id="usernameCL" class="tooltip_static" style="display:none"> This be my field hint</div>

This be my other field hint

JQuery Function using 1.6.4 JQ:

$().ready(function () {
       var field = this.id;
       var div = $('.tooltip_static[id='+field+']');

       if(div.css('display') == 'none')

And here is a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/LapPA/

Anyone know how to get this to hide on blur or mouse out?

4 Answers 4

 $('#myformid').on('blur', '.field_hints',function(){
 }); //replace #myformid with the id of your form

You need a separate handler bound to the blur event.

For example, you could do this:

$().ready(function () {
      var field = this.id;
      var div = $('.tooltip_static[id='+field+']');

      if(div.css('display') == 'none')
            var field = this.id;
            var div = $('.tooltip_static[id='+field+']');
  • That actually works pretty well and with iOS Next button on form. Thanks. Feb 4, 2013 at 21:15

You can use the mouseleave event: http://jsfiddle.net/4VUvD/

$().ready(function () {
      $('.field_hints').bind('focus', function() {
          var field = this.id;
          var div = $('.tooltip_static[id='+field+']');
      }).bind('mouseleave', function(){
  • That worked good. Some issues with using the Next button on iOS but assume I need to compensate for tab out. Feb 4, 2013 at 21:05

First off, you have two objects with the same id usernameCL. This is NOT good.

The code you are searching for:

var func = function () {
    // We assume the id of the input tag to be #someid, and the tooltip div to be #someid_tooltip
    var id = $(this).attr('id');
    $('#' + id + '_tooltip').fadeOut();

$('#usernameCL').bind('blur', func);
$('#usernameCL').bind('mouseout', func);

Could be that I messed up a name or two.

  • yeah that's my bad. used the wrong id. I'll change it. Basically if you see how this div opens up below our comment box, that is what I am trying to accomplish. Feb 4, 2013 at 21:06
  • Actually I noticed that too and was wondering why it was working since I was re-using the ID. I guess I can try using a class instead. Feb 4, 2013 at 21:15
  • Classes are supposed to be used for assigning similar/same _traits_ to multiple tags. Using them for identification is not a good idea (but it does work if you give care, for example with the other examples using $(this).next()`). That's what ids are for. Feb 4, 2013 at 21:26

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