Because programming is one of my favorite hobbies I started a small project in python.

I'm trying to make a nutritional calculator for daily routine, see the code below:

# Name: nutri.py 
# Author: pyn

my_dict = {'chicken':(40, 50, 10),
        'pork':(50, 30, 20)

foods = raw_input("Enter your food: ")

#explode / split the user input

foods_list = foods.split(',')

#returns a list separated by comma

print foods_list

What I want to do:

  1. Get user input and store it in a variable
  2. Search the dictionary based on user input and return the asociated values if the keys / foods exists
  3. Sum these values in different nutritional chunks and return them, something like: You ate x protein, y carbs and z fat etc.

Any ideas are welcome.

3 Answers 3

my_dict = {'chicken':(40, 50, 10),
        'beef':(50, 30, 20)

foods = raw_input("Enter your food: ")

#explode / split the user input

foods_list = foods.split(',')

#returns a list separated by comma

#print foods_list

nuts = [0, 0, 0]

for food in foods_list :
    if food.strip() in my_dict: 
        i = 0
        for value in  my_dict[food.strip()]:
            nuts[i] += value        
            i += 1  
print nuts  

scripts$ python nutrition.py
Enter your food: chicken, pork, beef
[90, 80, 30]

some improvements ;)
  • dude this won't work when the user will enter an incorrect input(food). I have posted one below this. U may check out that it will work for any case.
    – shalki
    Feb 7, 2013 at 11:27
  • yours would not work if the user enters chicken,[space] pork :P
    – Redian
    Feb 7, 2013 at 11:38

Here is my solution, It checks if a food is in the dictionary and will state if its not.

my_dict = {'chicken':(40, 50, 10),
        'pork':(50, 30, 20)

foods = raw_input("Enter your food: ")

foods_list = foods.split(',')

empty_list = []
for food in foods_list:
    if food in my_dict:
        print '%s has no nutritional information and will not be included in the calculation' % food

values = [sum(x) for x in zip(*empty_list)]

print 'Total protein = %d, Total Carbs = %d, Total Fat = %d' % (values[0],values[1],values[2])

This outputs:

Enter your food: chicken,pork,pizza
pizza has no nutritional information and will not be included in the calculation
Total protein = 90, Total Carbs = 80, Total Fat = 30

This code will do all the necessary stuff u are trying to do:

my_dict = {'chicken':(40, 50, 10),
        'pork':(50, 30, 20)

foods = raw_input("Enter your food: ")

#explode / split the user input

foods_list = foods.split(',')

#returns a list separated by comma


print foods_list

for i in foods_list:
    if i.strip() in my_dict:

print t

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