I have a page with an interactive report. If I do a 'Control Break' and have an aggregate in place, is there a way I can export the results to Excel, exactly the way it appears on the page?

When I 'Download' the report, it appears as the third screen shot, which is not separated.

Interactive Report Results: enter image description here

How I would like to export the data to Excel: enter image description here

The format that is currently exported: enter image description here

3 Answers 3


The download to excel is always in CSV format. The file extension is not .xlsxbut .CSV. So, i'd say no.
It's tough too. Even if you were to create a custom export to excel you'd have to extract the current query of the report (which is something that has finally been made easier in 4.2, but is possible in 4.0/1 with 3rd party packages). Then you'd also have to account for the control break(s) you applied, since those are not reflected in the IR query (even with APEX_IR).
I've dabbled with generating an xlsx file and made a blogpost/sample application on that if you'd like to see what it encompasses. Be aware that this is taking 'custom solution' to the extreme though (at least, in my opinion).


you could create the report in BI Publisher in Oracle, then through APEX, you can call the report with parameters.


Actually APEX Office Print (AOP) supports exporting for Interactive Report and Interactive Grid (and others) to Excel, exactly as you see on the screen (so including breaks, group by etc)

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