I want to sava the record but in the for loop the next id is null, how can i save the records with this condition, the loop will be stop when it find null and save the previous records.

 foreach($record['ProductPlan'] as $value=>$key)

 $ProductsUser = array('product_plan_id'=>$key,'user_node_id'=>$userNodeId, 'is_active'=>1);


and the error is Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'product_plan_id' cannot be null
and in the array

'product_plan_id' => '2',
'user_node_id' => '26',
'is_active' => (int) 1
'product_plan_id' => '3',
'user_node_id' => '26',
'is_active' => (int) 1
'' // This is null how can i save previous records before null?

3 Answers 3


I think you are confused between $value and $key, it should be used vice versa

You need to add a check for empty or null array before inserting in to table Try this

 foreach($record['ProductPlan'] as $value=>$key){
   $ProductsUser = array('product_plan_id'=>$key,'user_node_id'=>$userNodeId, 'is_active'=>1);


As your error says ,

Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'product_plan_id' cannot be null

You have to alter this field to allow null in db to save null records. And if you want db to descide it self a unique key for that column make it AUTO_INCREMENT. So it will take the next key if you pass null for that column.


Just use normal if . Here is the sample code:

 foreach ($record['ProductPlan'] as $value => $key) {
    if (isset($key) && $key) {
       $ProductsUser = array('product_plan_id' => $key, 'user_node_id' => $userNodeId, 'is_active' => 1);
  • i dont want to insert null value in table, how can i do this?
    – Usman Ali
    Feb 13, 2013 at 8:08
  • if the product_plan_id column is AUTO_INCREMENT , it will get incremented automatically after you passing value null, NULL will not be inserted in the database
    – sandip
    Feb 13, 2013 at 8:11
  • 1
    primary key is product_plan_user_node_id and the foreign keys are product_plan_id and user_node_id, the foreign key and primary key in my table is not null. I want to add data without null value.
    – Usman Ali
    Feb 13, 2013 at 9:12
  • when i change product_plan_id is null in table it insert the record with null value, i dont' want to do insert record with null value, only those records whose product_plan_id is not null. hope you understand.
    – Usman Ali
    Feb 13, 2013 at 9:33

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