I wrote a Python programm that has a customized Exception class called TAException and it works fine. But a new requirement forces me to extend its functionaliy. If the user sets a specific flag (-n) on program startup the program should NOT stop execution if TAException is raised.

Below you see how I tried to implement it. In main() TAException.setNoAbort() gets called if that flag has been set. The rest is maybe self-explaining. The point is: Obviously it doesn't work. The program always aborts when TAException is raised. I know why it doesn't work, but I do not know how I can implement it differently. Could you please show me an elegant way to do this?

class TAException(Exception):
    _numOfException = 0                                                 # How often has this exception been raised?
    _noAbort = False                                                    # By default we abort the test run if this exception has been raised.

    def __init__(self, TR_Inst, expr, msg):
            TR_Inst:    Testreport instance
            expr:       Expression in which the error occured.
            msg:        Explanation for the error.
        if TR_Inst != None:
            if TAException._noAbort is True:                            # If we abort the test run on the first exception being raised.
                TAException._numOfException += 1                        # Or else only count the exception and continue the test run.
                                                                        # The status of the testreport will be set to "Failed" by TestReportgen.
                TR_Inst.genreport([expr, msg], False)                   # Generate testreport and exit.

    def setNoAbort():
        Sets TAException._noAbort to True.
        TAException._noAbort = True
  • 4
    Just to make it explicit: You cannot stop an exception being raised from the exception class itself. You can always instanciate an exception instance (exc = SomeException()) without raising it, then later using the variable to raise it anyway: if somecondition: raise exc). The exception class is not informed of or given an opportunity to cancel the raise statement being executed.
    – Martijn Pieters
    Feb 15, 2013 at 10:27

1 Answer 1


When using the parameter -n your program should not raise the exception but instead use a warning (that won't stop your program). You can find more info on warning here : http://docs.python.org/2/library/warnings.html#module-warnings

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