Is possible to define same-named operator for different argument count?

And if it is possible then how?

for example I want:

let (-) x y = x - y
let (-) x  = -x

Sadly I can't call just -x, I need (-)x to use it but it's yet another sub-question which have no relation with primary question.

  • 1
    The word you're looking for is 'overload', as in, you'd like to know if you can overload operators in F#. (I don't know F#, so I can't answer that part, sorry - but maybe a google search on 'overload F#' will work?)
    – Joe
    Feb 18, 2013 at 4:46

1 Answer 1


This is not possible with let bindings


You can redefine the regular arithmetic operators in this manner because the scoping rules for F# dictate that newly defined operators take precedence over the built-in operators.

However, you can use the static member (+) versions with overloading (Same MSDN page)

In particular, this works:

> type t() =                   
-  static member (+) (a, b) = 1
-  static member (+) a = 5;;   

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