I am aware that you can concatenate multiple columns within a single table with a query like this:

SELECT ( column1 || column2 || column3 || ... ) AS some_name FROM some_table

Is it possible to concatenate columns from multiple tables with a single sqlite query?

Very simple example - Two tables and the result:

        Table1              |           Table2          |         Result
  Col1          Col2        |            Col3           |
   A             B          |             C             |           ABC

If this is possible, what would the query be?

I can always manually concatenate multiple single table concatenation results, but having sqlite do all the work would be great:)

1 Answer 1


Try this

SELECT a.col1 || a.col2 ||  b.col3 AS 'SUM'
FROM table1 a, table2 b
WHERE a.id = b.id;

In where you have top mention the joining condition between the tables



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