Lets say i have this expression I10I20I-3++ which should give me 27. I just can't seem to find a way of removing those I's, or if it is any other letter from the string. In addition I have to figure out a way to then evaluate the expression. I tried using regex, but no luck:

public static String removeIs(String input)
    //String check = input.replaceAll("[^/+/-/*//^0-9/-]+", " ");
    String check = input.replaceAll("[^-+*/^0-9/-](?![^(]*\\))"," ");
    return check;
  • i think you should check how to evaluate infix Expression in java Link :stackoverflow.com/questions/7185589/…
    – Arpit
    Feb 23, 2013 at 9:50
  • 1
    What's that I10I20I-3++? Is it just a test string? What do you mean by ,,should give me 27''?
    – Wookie88
    Feb 23, 2013 at 9:54
  • @Wookie88 - its a calculator expression, where the operands are separated by I, and the operators all come at the end.
    – Perception
    Feb 23, 2013 at 9:58
  • Thats a postfix expression with the letter I to divide the numbers, i need to be able to have negative numbers in my postfix expression. 27 is the result when you evaluate the expression without the I's
    – user2913269
    Feb 23, 2013 at 16:50

1 Answer 1


The expression for finding any non-operator non-digit character is:


You've said in the comment below the Q that you're writing calculator. Please note that you have unknown number of digits and operators in your string, so it would probably be better to make a loop and iterate through string and manually grab digits and operators for using in your calculator and NOT by using regex backreferences. Btw: why are you replacing I with spaces? does it make any difference for you what is the separator in string?

I've created quite an advanced regex-based JS code parser quite a while ago and from this experience I can tell that creating one, monstrous expression for parsing everything at once is usually bad idea.

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