i want to stop the user to see the list while clicking select option element :

<select name="_users_id_requester">
  <option value="0">-----</option>
  <option selected="" value="774">Asmaa El Habib,Yassine</option>//except this one 
  <option value="779" title="Ahlam Edouiri - U8K8O">Ahlam Edouiri</option>
  <option value="746" title="Ainane Mohamed - MohamedAinane">Ainane Mohamed</option>

i have tried the readonly method , but the problem is i'm using the element within a form , so the form can't read the selected value

1 Answer 1


Start by giving the select an id. Perhaps

<select name="_users_id_requester" id "requestor" class = "requestorList">
   <option value="0">-----</option>
   <option selected="" value="774">Asmaa El Habib,Yassine</option>//except this one 
   <option value="779" title="Ahlam Edouiri - U8K8O">Ahlam Edouiri</option>
   <option value="746" title="Ainane Mohamed - MohamedAinane">Ainane Mohamed</option>

Then you can easily disable the control

$('#requestor').prop('disabled', 'disabled');

To reenable the control:

$('#requestor').prop('disabled', '');

If you can't set the ID:

$('.requestorList').prop('disabled', 'disabled');

To reenable the control:

$('.requestorList').prop('disabled', '');
  • 1
    Disabled is a property, not an attribute. You should use prop() instead. Feb 25, 2013 at 23:27
  • i'm using an existing openSource solution called GLPI , they re using MVC method , and the id are genereted automatically always with defrent value, so just how can i get the element id value using jquery ? Feb 25, 2013 at 23:28
  • 1
    If you do not have control over the IDs generated, you can use alternate selector options. Such as css class or other attributes. I will update the answer to show this option and incorporate Alien Webguy's point. Feb 25, 2013 at 23:34
  • the form steel can't read the POST name of the diseabled attr , any another solution ? Feb 26, 2013 at 3:02
  • how are you trying to get the value? Feb 26, 2013 at 15:35

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