I am kind of new to JMX , Here I am trying to use jconsole provided by jdk to remotely read the MBeans of JBOSS EAP 6. I followed tutorial ,http://magnus-k-karlsson.blogspot.in/2013/01/how-to-remote-connect-jconsole-to-jboss.html with this I am able to read remotely with the jconsole provided by eap 6 (EAP6_HOME)/bin/jconsole.sh ,but I was not able to do the same with jconsole of jdk ? Please give your thought on this. I suspect it may be due to the remoting-jmx protocol of the (service:jmx:remoting-jmx:// ) jmx remote url. Does jboss-eap6 support rmi(service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://ipadress/mbeanname) protocol to read MBeans in jconsole?

Thanks, Leo.

2 Answers 2


By default, there will be a MBeans tab in the window of jconsole when connected as :


To be able to use remoting-jmx protocol you need to have jboss-client.jar or jboss-cli-client.jar on the JConsole classpath.

Here is the relevant part from jconsole.sh provided by JBoss:


$JAVA_HOME/bin/jconsole -J-Djava.class.path="$CLASSPATH" "$@"

P.S. You might need to create some user account first. See $JBOSS_HOME/bin/add-user.sh

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