I want to run a shell script behind, which does a specific job, simultaneously I will wait for the user's input to end the job. How can I achieve this? Here is my example code:

from subprocess import call

cmd = "internals/applog.sh "

raw_input("Press Y when you are done: ")

The above code first executes the call statement and only after the app log.sh ends then the following message comes.

Any help in this? how can I make it, when user enters y, the call statement to be aborted?

2 Answers 2

pid = Popen(["internals/applog.sh",])

while True:
    answer = raw_input("Press Y when you are done: ")
    if answer == 'Y':

call() waits for the command to be completed, I think you'd want to use Popen instead:

from subprocess import Popen


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