I have a python script which has a variable 'var' containing a path to a library file which is required by wix to create a msi. I need to send this 'var' to wix proj.How can i pass? My wix code looks somewhat like this..

<Component Id='MainExecutable' Guid='*'>
<File Id='ExecutableFile' Name='mc.exe' DiskId='1' Source='c:\my path to\mc.exe'KeyPath='yes'/>

The Source path in file id should get from 'var' in python script.

1 Answer 1


The following will work in WiX v3.6+

<Component Id='MainExecutable'>
  <File Id='ExecutableFile' Source='$(var.VariableNameForPath)\mc.exe' KeyPath='yes'/>

To define a variable either pass it on the command-line like:

candle -dVariableNameForPath="C:\my path to" my.wxs

Or if using MSBuild and a .wixproj, pass the value through the DefineConstants property like:

  <DefineConstants>VariableNameForPath=C:\my path to</DefineConstants>

Or if you want the C:\my path to to be a property in MSBuild, it'd look like:


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