In this:

    $this->db->from('orders o');           
            $this->db->join('order_status_history', 'o.id =  order_status_history.order_id');
            $this->db->where("(order_status_history.in_dts)::date ='" .$reportDay. "'");
            $this->db->where('order_status_history.new_status ' , 6);

I want select count(id) where order_status_history.new_status is a interval eg(2<=order_status_history.new_status<=6), no one single int. How make this in this sql?

2 Answers 2


As I Remember you can add Where statement as a string, like in a native sql query. Please, try this:

    $this->db->from('orders o');           
        $this->db->join('order_status_history', 'o.id =  order_status_history.order_id');
        $this->db->where("(order_status_history.in_dts)::date ='" .$reportDay. "'");
        $this->db->where('order_status_history.new_status BETWEEN 2 AND 6');

Is This Working ?


What do you think about this:

$this->db->from('orders as o');           
$this->db->join('order_status_history', 'o.id =  order_status_history.order_id');
$this->db->where("(order_status_history.in_dts)::date ='" .$reportDay. "'");
$this->db->where_between('order_status_history.new_status ',2 , 6);
  • using where_between to introduce the id interval!
    – deviloper
    Mar 5, 2013 at 9:17

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