I usually do a search and replace in vim that looks like this:

:%s/\([\.!?]\|[\.!?]"\)\s\s/\1text /g

So it looks for either a period, exclamation point, question mark, or any of the above followed by a quote and two spaces. It works fine.

But when I map this in my vimrc like so

map <F4> :%s/\([\.!?]\|[\.!?]"\)\s\s/\1text /g<CR>

and then press F4 I get this error message:

E486: Pattern not found: \([\.!?]|[\.!?]"\)\s\s

It is removing the backslash before the pipe for some reason and I have no idea why. Does anyone know how to correct this behavior?

1 Answer 1


In a :mapping, the pipe character is special. Use <Bar> instead:

:noremap <F4> :%s/\([\.!?]\<Bar>[\.!?]"\)\s\s/\1text /g<CR>

Also, you should use :noremap; it makes the mapping immune to remapping and recursion.

  • Thanks for the info on recursion too. Helped me clean up the vimrc file.
    – thequerist
    Mar 6, 2013 at 14:40
  • 1
    Lets clean up that regex! The matching group does not need alternation (the \|) instead you can get by with \=. \= matches 0 or 1 times, as many as possible (think Perl's ?). That makes the substitution: %s/\([\.!?]"\=\)\s\s/\1text /g. Because we are not using the pipe symbol the <bar> is not needed. Mar 6, 2013 at 14:46
  • Thanks, the obvious answer always escapes me.
    – thequerist
    Mar 6, 2013 at 15:14

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