I need help replacing exact numbers in my database.

My table look likes this..

1  person1  1,2,3...101,102,103

When I use

mysql_query("UPDATE table SET images = REPLACE(images, '3,', '') WHERE id = '1'");

It removes all the 3 from all numbers that end with 3..

13, = 1
23, = 2
113, = 11
  • 3
    You should not use a comma separated list in one of your fields. Normalize your database and store the images / image ID's in a separate table.
    – jeroen
    Mar 7, 2013 at 21:27
  • 1
    You should normalize your data. Much easier to work with that way.
    – John Conde
    Mar 7, 2013 at 21:27
  • 1
    Add a comma before the 3? mysql_query("UPDATE table SET images = REPLACE(images, ',3,', '') WHERE id = '1'"); Btw, previups comments are ok, you should normalize your data.
    – Babblo
    Mar 7, 2013 at 21:27
  • What do you want to happen? You tell us what is happening but not what you want the result to be. Mar 7, 2013 at 21:51

1 Answer 1


As has been mentioned already, the correct solution is to normalize the data. However if you are stuck with this table structure, you can still perform a single UPDATE statement using 3 CASE conditions to match the number at the beginning, middle, or end.

To remove it from the beginning or end of the list, you may use a SUBSTR(), and continue using REPLACE() to remove it from the middle of the list.

SET images = 
    /* if 3 is in the leftmost position in the list, remove first 2 chars... */
    WHEN LEFT(images, 2) = '3,' THEN SUBSTR(images, 3)
    /* if 3 is in the rightmost position in the list, remove last 2 chars... */
    WHEN RIGHT(images, 2) = ',3' THEN SUBSTR(images, 1, LENGTH(images) - 2)
    /* Otherwise replace a single 3 bounded by commas with a single comma */
    ELSE REPLACE(images, ',3,', ',')
WHERE id = '1'

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