I'm attempting to write a tool that checks an IP address for existing PTR records then if there are no PTR records does a ping to see if it response.

Then if there is no response, it should print a message saying

This is what I have so far.

$ping = "100%";
use warnings;
while (defined($line = <>)) {
    print `nslookup $line`;
    if ("NXDOMAIN") {
        print `ping -c 1 -w 2.0 $line`;
        if ($ping) {
            print "IP Address '$line' is available.\n"

What I can't seem to get to work are the if statements for if the text NXDOMAIN is in the output it performs the ping. Then if the text of the ping contains $ping it prints the following line.

print "IP Address '$line' is available.\n"

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


3 Answers 3


You should use the built in libraries of perl to do what you need. Here is an example of how to achieve your ping with perl:

use Net::Ping;

my @list = ("", "", "");

foreach my $addr (@list) {
    my $p = Net::Ping->new();
    print "IP Address '$addr' is not responsive.\n" if !$p->ping ($addr);

You need to store the value returned by your commands:

# THIS CODE IS UNTESTED, but should get the idea across.
my $nslookupOut = `nslookup $line`;
print $nslookupOut;
if ( $nslookupOut =~ /NXDOMAIN/ ) {
    my $pingOut = `ping -c 1 -w 2.0 $line`;
    print $pingOut;
    if ( $pingOut =~ /$ping/ ) {
  • That's exactly what I needed. That's going to go a long way towards me getting good at Perl. Thanks!! Mar 8, 2013 at 15:11

$ping isn't undef. So the if condition always returns true!

You need to set the $ping variable if you get negative response from that particular IP.

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