We have a complex older system and we want to possibly transition to using Require.js
One question I have is whether it is possible to set up specific versions of a file.
I'm not talking about "multiple versions" in the same page.
What I'm thinking is this:

  • Module1
  • Module2
    • Module1
  • Module3
    • Module1
  • Module4
    • Module2
    • Module3

I want a way to version Module1 so that I can go and change the version number in a single place.
I know I can use: require.config({ urlArgs: "bust=v3" }) but can I do that in the top of the file for Module1 and have it only refer to that Module?

  • Are you talking about cache busting, or is there some other reason you want to have a version number?
    – cspotcode
    Mar 8, 2013 at 14:40
  • I am talking about cache busting, but I want to only "bust the cache" of specific files. We don't want to update 1 file in our system and have the users redownload another 100 JS files that didn't change. Mar 8, 2013 at 14:54

1 Answer 1


Try setting the paths object in your RequireJS configuration. This will map a module's name to the URL RequireJS should download.


paths: {
    'Module1': 'path/to/Module1_v1'
  • But that would require changing the actual filename during versioning right? Which would cause problems with source control history. Or could I possibly do: 'Module1': 'path/to/Module1?bust=v2'? Mar 8, 2013 at 14:55
  • I'm not sure if you can add URL query arguments to a path because RequireJS needs to add the ".js" suffix to the URL. At least if you're using Git, renaming files won't break your source control history.
    – cspotcode
    Mar 8, 2013 at 15:12
  • Sadly, not using Git. Using Visual Source Safe (really) Mar 8, 2013 at 15:15
  • You could use a sym-link and rename that every time you need to bump the version.
    – Ben
    Mar 11, 2013 at 2:29

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