I'm following the Stanford course and we created this first view controller for the game, and we created an IBOutletCollection of type UIButton to represent the cards.

Now, in the lecture he created a setter methods:

-(void) setCardButtons:(NSArray *)cardButtons {

    _cardButtons = cardButtons;
   [self updateUI];

And when I commented this method and tried to add more cards it work fine. Could you please kindly explain me why is that?

This is my CardGameViewController.m:

#import "CardGameViewController.h"
#import "PlayingCardsDeck.h"
#import "CardMatchingGame.h"

@interface CardGameViewController ()

@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *flipsLabel;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *notificationLabel;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *scoreCounter;
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutletCollection(UIButton) NSArray *cardButtons;

@property (strong, nonatomic) CardMatchingGame *game;
@property (nonatomic) int flipsCount;


@implementation CardGameViewController

//creating the getter method that creates a new card game.
-(CardMatchingGame *) game {

    if (!_game) _game = [[CardMatchingGame alloc] initWithCardCount:self.cardButtons.count usingDeck:[[PlayingCardsDeck alloc] init]];
    return _game;

//creating a setter for the IBOutletCollection cardButtons
-(void) setCardButtons:(NSArray *)cardButtons {

    _cardButtons = cardButtons;
   [self updateUI];

//creating the setter for the flipCount property. Whick is setting the flipsLabel to the right text and adding the number of counts.
-(void) setFlipsCount:(int)flipsCount {

    _flipsCount = flipsCount;
    self.flipsLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Flips: %d", self.flipsCount];


-(void) updateUI {

    for (UIButton *cardButton in self.cardButtons) {
        Card *card = [self.game cardAtIndex:[self.cardButtons indexOfObject:cardButton]];
        [cardButton setTitle:card.contents forState:UIControlStateSelected];
        [cardButton setTitle:card.contents forState:UIControlStateSelected|UIControlStateDisabled];
        cardButton.selected = card.isFaceUp;
        cardButton.enabled = !card.unplayble;
        if (card.unplayble) {
            cardButton.alpha = 0.1;
        self.scoreCounter.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Score: %d", self.game.score];

        if (self.game.notification) {

        self.notificationLabel.text = self.game.notification;



//Here I created a method to flipCards when the card is selected, and give the user a random card from the deck each time he flips the card. After each flip i'm incrementing the flipCount setter by one.
- (IBAction)flipCard:(UIButton *)sender {

    [self.game flipCardAtIndex:[self.cardButtons indexOfObject:sender]];
    [self updateUI];

  • The property defines the getter and setter methods. Defining your own simply replaces the synthesized one.
    – rmaddy
    Mar 12, 2013 at 2:32

1 Answer 1


Properties get default setter and getter methods. You can override those methods yourself to add functionality (the [self updateUI]; is such an example).

When you don't specify a setter or getter the default one is called instead.


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