I have an application that downloads static images off Google maps, with markers placed where I want them (Placed by passing arguments into the Google Static Maps URL). However, I also need to be able to click the markers. I figured I could convert the x and y coordinate is the click to lon/lat, and then figure out that way which marker was clicked, but I haven't found that too easy.

I know the dimensions of the map in pixels, the zoom level, and the centre point of the map in pixels and lon/lat, so I followed this blog post. Unfortunately this didn't work.

Does anyone know how I could do this, or know another way I could figure out if a marker has been clicked? I'm forced to use the Static maps unfortunately, so I can't do any of it with the JavaScript API

1 Answer 1






It is not exactly what you are doing but it does demonstrate Mercator projection conversions & cross-browser mouse events.

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