Does anybody have any examples of using minitest and reacktest together to create request specs?

I want to be able to request a resource:

get '/api/resource', format: :json

And then test the response.


1 Answer 1


You can simply use rack-test, as you suggested! Write your specs/unit-tests and with rack-test you can do:

def test_api_ressource_json
    get "/api/resource.json"

    assert last_response.ok?
    assert last_response.body.include?("something")

    # Test whatever you like with last_response.body

And that should be it.

  • In Rails 4.2, including require rails/test_help first, say in your test_helper.rb file in the test folder, and then adding the Rack Test mixin via include Rack::Test::Methods inside your test class, is needed for tests to run using Rack's mock testing infrastructure. Then you get helper methods like last_response, post, get, etc.
    – sameers
    Feb 20, 2015 at 4:32

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