I'm trying to code a exe packer/protector as a way of learning more about assembler, c++, and how PE files work. I've currently got it working so the section containing the EP is XORed with a key and a new section is created that contains my decryption code. Everything works out great except when I try and JMP to the original EP after decryption.

Basically I do this:

DWORD originalEntryPoint = optionalHeader->AddressOfEntryPoint;
// -- snip -- //
 crypted.write((char*)&orginalEntryPoint, sizeof(DWORD)); 

But instead of it jumping to the entry point, ollydbg shows that this code disassembles to:

00404030   .-E9 00100000    JMP 00405035 ; should be 00401000 =[

and when I try to change it manually in olly the new opcode shows up as

00404030    -E9 CBCFFFFF    JMP crypted.00401000

Where did 0xCBCFFFFF come from? How would I generate that from the C++ side?


3 Answers 3


you could use:



jmp eax

relative E9 jmp encoding is used like this:

CURRENT_RVA: jmp (DESTINATION_RVA - CURRENT_RVA - 5 [sizeof(E9 xx xx xx xx)])

push + ret is the best solution if you have VA address and the image is not relocated


I think that E9 is an opcode for a relative jump: its operand specifies a relative distance to be jumped, plus or minus from the start of the next instruction.

If you want the operand to specify an absolute address, you would need a different opcode.

  • Any ideas as to what would be a replacement for E9? Oct 9, 2009 at 22:07
  • 1
    Jumps are usually relative. There's an opcode EA for a jump to an absolute far address, and opcodes for jumps to an indirect address (where the operand specifies the memory location wich contains the address to be jumped to).
    – ChrisW
    Oct 9, 2009 at 22:17
  • 2
    This didn't answer the question, just confirmed that the OP had the wrong answer. Aug 1, 2016 at 0:15
  • @baordog The question was, "Where did 0xCBCFFFFF come from?" Anyway apparently the OP understood the answer, and/or was satisfied by EA in the comment.
    – ChrisW
    Aug 1, 2016 at 0:38

opcode for absolute indirect jump is FF + 4byte address. This is most often used for jumptables of addresses stored in data.

Absolute addresses do require relocation when not loaded to the expected address, so relative addresses are generally preferred. Code for relative jumps is also 2 bytes smaller.

Intel optimization manual states that the cpu expects call and ret to be used in pairs, so the ret without a call suggested in answer 2 would cause what they call a "performance penalty".

Also, if the code was not loaded to the same address that the compiler assumed, the ret would probably crash the program. It would be safer to calculate a relative address.

  • 3
    perhaps you mean FF 25 4byte.. FF 4 byte makes no sense at all.
    – Laie
    Oct 10, 2014 at 3:49
  • 1
    @Laie it still makes sense since FF is the opcode and we know the mnemonic is jmp. It could be FF /4 or FF /5 since they are both jump absolute indirect -- one being a near and the other a far jump. But yes, FF 25 aa bb cc dd is how you would observe FF /4 (the more common of the two) in machine code. Feb 16, 2017 at 19:33
  • 1
    The last paragraph isn't right: push imm32 / ret won't crash, relocating the code won't change the absolute target address that ret jumps to. The problem is performance: unbalancing the return-address stack will make some future returns mispredict. A mov reg,imm32 + 2-byte register-indirect jump is probably your best bet (rather than loading a pointer from memory) if for some reason you can't just encode a jmp rel32 from a known address,. Call an absolute pointer in x86 machine code. Apr 27, 2018 at 4:35
  • It would be nice to mention a matching jmp opcode for 64 bit mode as well. Sep 3, 2018 at 16:20
  • 1
    @ThomasTempelmann: How to jump to memory location in intel syntax for both x64 and x32 has both, including the machine code, and Call an absolute pointer in x86 machine code is about x86-64, and works for jmp as well as call. Normally mov rax, imm64 / jmp rax is your best bet. (Pick any register you can clobber at this point.) Oct 13, 2022 at 4:02

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