I'm having some troubles with the json_encode/decode functions when i store the string to a MySQL DB table. The problem is in the swedish chars, like ÅÄÖ. If have something like

$my_arr = array('Räksmörgås');
$json = json_encode($my_arr):

It works just fine, the trouble is, as i said, when i store the jsonstring to the db and then collects them. The table (entire db) has the encoding 'utf8_general_ci'. I've tried uft8_unicode_ci' as well, with the same result, that the output will be 'Ru00e4ksmu00f6rgu00e5s'. The column where i store this valus is 'TEXT'.

What am i doing wrong?

Edit, i forgot to mention this is a plugin for wordpress and i'm using $wpdb->prepare() and $wpdb->query().

  • Make sure the connection to your database is configured as UTF8. E.g. mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");.
    – Sjoerd
    Mar 18, 2013 at 10:37

2 Answers 2


Somewhere in your code you are stripping slashes.

// text: Räksmörgås
// json_encode(): R\u00e4ksm\u00f6rg\u00e5s
// your output: Ru00e4ksmu00f6rgu00e5s
  • Hmm. You're right. As i remember json_encode makes it with back-slashes, but the string to the database strips them out! Did not even see this. So, it's something with the $wpdb->prepare i guess.
    – gubbfett
    Mar 18, 2013 at 10:49
  • Yep! when i manually add the back-slash with phpmyadmin the output is correct!
    – gubbfett
    Mar 18, 2013 at 10:51
  • Then your insert is not correct, there is some stripslashes() on insert. Mar 18, 2013 at 10:52
  • i did it like this: str_replace('\\', '\\\\', json_encode($my_arr)); and that works fine. Thanks!
    – gubbfett
    Mar 18, 2013 at 10:55

Try to store result in BLOB and not TEXT field. What do you used to store data ? PDO ? Mysqli ? Mysql ?

  • Actually, it's a plugin for wordpress. So i use $wpdb->prepare() and $wpdb->query(). I'll try blob!
    – gubbfett
    Mar 18, 2013 at 10:44

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