I am trying to write in binary format on console in FORTRAN under windows but I can not do it. I know I can use Open() function and use Form='Unformatted' to open a file and write in binary format. But I need to write on the console not external file.

My project is to use pipe mechanism to communicate between a FORTRAN and a C++ programs. Part of the communication is to send large amount of double precision numbers. Right now I am sending the actual numbers. If I can send them as binary format it will speed up the process.

Is there any way to write in binary format on console in FORTRAN? I tried to typecast the numbers by char() function but it is only for integer not double!

Any help will be appreciated


  • The trick is to stuff the data into strings and use ordinary list directed write.. stackoverflow.com/questions/13027067/…
    – agentp
    Mar 22, 2013 at 19:23
  • Thanks for the quick reply george but the page you mentioned is for Linux not windows! do you know how to do it under windows?
    – VecTor
    Mar 22, 2013 at 21:12
  • it should be the same, try it and see what problems you run into.
    – agentp
    Mar 23, 2013 at 13:24

1 Answer 1


If it is F77, try something like this

      program writer
      double precision x
      character(len=8) xalt
      x = 10.0
      do i = 1, 10, 1
         x = -10.0 * x
         write(*,'(A)', advance='no') xalt
      end do

If you want to use it for F90 without the equivalence, you will have to use the transfer function to transfer from double precision (or real*8 or real*2 depending on implementation) to character.

I don't really know how big your datastream is but if you are writing to console, the OS might insist on inserting a CR/LF after X characters. That could completely mess up your input stream. Ever thought of doing this using MPI or sockets or pipes?

  • advance='no' is a little advanced for F77. The fortran runtime might do interesting things to the data stream as well if part of the representation of the double precision value looks like a line feed.
    – IanH
    Mar 22, 2013 at 22:51
  • old school you do write(*,'(a,$)'). The $ is not strictly standard f77 but a common extension.
    – agentp
    Mar 23, 2013 at 13:17
  • for completeness i have found you cannot READ stdin with this approach, exactly due to the issue of spurious data bits being interpreted as an EOF.
    – agentp
    Mar 23, 2013 at 13:32

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