Im new to pandas and am trying to run a calculation on every row that uses the closing price from yesterday and prices from today. ie:

for 2011-07-26:
    new_column = max(df.high['2011-07-25'], df.close['2011-07-26'])

I thought about using iterating through all the rows, but thought it would be more efficient to use df.apply function. But, I cannot figure out how to access the previous days closing price from within my function.

Here is a snippet of my dataframe.

              open    high     low   close
2011-07-22  1597.6  1607.7  1597.5  1601.5
2011-07-25  1618.2  1620.3  1609.4  1612.2
2011-07-26  1610.7  1617.5  1608.0  1616.8

whats the best way to accomplish this?

1 Answer 1


You could do a shift first:

In [8]: df['yesterday_high'] = df['high'].shift()

In [9]: df
              open    high     low   close  yesterday_high
2011-07-22  1597.6  1607.7  1597.5  1601.5             NaN
2011-07-25  1618.2  1620.3  1609.4  1612.2          1607.7
2011-07-26  1610.7  1617.5  1608.0  1616.8          1620.3

Then you can take the max of the yesterday_high and close columns:

In [11]: df[['yesterday_high', 'close']].max(axis=1)
2011-07-22    1601.5
2011-07-25    1612.2
2011-07-26    1620.3

In [12] df['new_col'] = df[['yesterday_high', 'close']].max(axis=1)

or alternatively:

In [13]: df.apply(lambda x: max(x['yesterday_high'], x['close']), axis=1)
2011-07-22    1601.5
2011-07-25    1612.2
2011-07-26    1620.3
  • but I wanted to take the max of todays high to yesterdays close. It looks like this is just taking the max from today's high and close.
    – CraigH
    Mar 25, 2013 at 11:15
  • @CraigH Sorry about that, I've updated, is this what you're after? Mar 25, 2013 at 11:38

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