I have the following XAML and my particular problem relates to the image that is to be displayed on the button

<Button  HorizontalAlignment="Right"  Grid.Row="1">
    <Image VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" 
           Height="16 " Width="16"  

The image properties have Build Action = Resource, and Copy to output directory = Do not copy. The image shows in the designer but not at runtime.

How do I get the button image to appear at runtime?

  • 5
    Try setting the build action to Content. It may be helpful Mar 26, 2013 at 11:35
  • 1
    Tried that too. That does not help either...
    – MoonKnight
    Mar 26, 2013 at 11:36
  • 2
    What could possibly help is checking the output console in Visual Studio when debugging the application. Sometimes it shows helpful errors (e.g. binding errors etc.)
    – Daniel
    Mar 26, 2013 at 11:48
  • Usually your URI will most likely be the issue, as Daniel says look at the output window, there will most likely be complaints about the image source not found or something of that nature.
    – TYY
    Mar 26, 2013 at 12:15
  • 1
    Note to editors: code formatting should be reserved for code.
    – JDB
    Mar 26, 2013 at 13:44

12 Answers 12


Change the build action to Resource. Also your pack url is wrong. Either use:


or simply

  • 5
    I have just re-added the image using the designer properties panel which I did in the first place and it provided a different URI to the one I had and was like the top one you have shown - this did not work. I re-added the image as a resource - again no luck. I then re-added the image again - this gave me a URI like the bottom one show... Taadaa! It worked, why this happened I have no idea, but it is good to know in the future. Thanks for your time.
    – MoonKnight
    Mar 26, 2013 at 12:20
  • @Killercam: I have now experienced something very similar; have a look at my EDIT3 in this question for a possible explanation of why re-adding may be helpful (though not one for why it worked for you only on the second attempt). Jan 14, 2014 at 13:12
  • pack://application:,,,/... does not appear to be liked very much by .XAML at runtime. Throws an error - "unrecognized/invalid blah blah". I have a UIDomain project with all the views, presenters, models and images. It seems that the Resources/*.png is expected to be in the views/ ... ... /Resources/img.png directory when it is more like ../Resources/img.png
    – IAbstract
    Sep 11, 2015 at 18:23
  • Worked for me :) Mar 26, 2019 at 8:07
  • Just Right Click on Image and select Properties and change "Build Action" to "Resource". Jan 14, 2022 at 10:14

There are 2 Solutions:

1: Change the settings of the image:

Build Action = Content
Copy to output directory = Copy if newer

2: When Using application instead of siteoforigin in the source path, you have to possible ways:

a) Image will be in a SubFolder called "Resources" and .exe file will be small

Build Action = Content
Copy to output directory = Copy if newer

b) Image will be included in the .exe and no Subfolder with imagefile will exist

Build Action = Resource
Copy to output directory = Copy if newer
  • Solution 2 works. Copy to output directory is not necessary in my case.
    – Felix
    Feb 7, 2017 at 4:34
  • Worked. Thanks.
    – Matt Allen
    Mar 3, 2019 at 18:55

Assuming that you have set your Build Action to Resource.


pack://application:,,,/ResourceFile.xaml or pack://application:,,,/Subfolder/ResourceFile.xaml or pack://application:,,,/ReferencedAssembly;component/ResourceFile.xaml

Those are the most common examples.

Also, in my case it was still not showing.

Clean & Rebuild NOT just Build fixed it for me (VS 2019)!

  • So you have the exact same setup like in the initial question and you didn't need to change the build action nor copy settings or the source path?
    – asdf
    Nov 7, 2017 at 10:39
  • Yes. BuildAction & UriPack was right. Image did not show => Clean & Rebuild and it worked.
    – Felix D.
    Nov 7, 2017 at 10:41
  • The problem is Image in WPF Button not Visible at Runtime that was the case at my side and above is my solution. I don't care about -2 rep but I really got no idea what ur problem with this is .. ?!
    – Felix D.
    Nov 7, 2017 at 15:35
  • set your Build Action to Resource was enought for me
    – Noman_1
    Feb 25, 2022 at 8:37
  • 1
    This worked for me, using VS 22 and .net 6
    – Max
    Jan 6, 2023 at 19:59

In my case I had the images in a separate project named Common and the images were under a folder named Resources in this project. In my other project, I added a reference to Common and set the source of the images like this:

<Image Source="/Common;component/Resources/anImage.png"/>

The images have the Build Action set to Resource and Copy to Output Directory to Do not copy. However, for some strange reason it wasn't working until I deleted every assembly file in my solution and made a Clean Solution and Build Solution. Not sure why, but it all started working at runtime once I rebuilt everything. I still can't figure out why it was working at Design Time though.

  • 2
    Adding the component string into the Source path was critical to getting my images to display at run time.
    – Ted
    Jul 22, 2015 at 10:47
  • Although having Content and Always Copy used to work for me, after moving to a different machine, I only saw the images/fonts in the designer and not at run-time. Changing them to Resource and Do not Copy fixed it.
    – Fenrir88
    Jan 16, 2019 at 16:22

In Visual Studio do these steps

  1. Add your image to a folder named as you want, in this example I created an Assets named folder.
  2. Then set the image's property to Resource in the Build Action.
  3. Then select the image in the folder and drag and then drop the into <MenuItem.Icon> and it should path properly.

Drop Image into project, Set as Resource then drop onto page

  • Note you may need to Rebuild the project, the compiler sometimes doesn't recognize new resources as a need to rebuild.

Go to your image in the resources folder, right click on the image, go to properties, click on the Build Action property, and change it from None to Resource. That'll work.

  • Thank you so much!! Why doesn't MS's official documents say this!??!?!? :)
    – cmcromance
    Jun 25, 2020 at 6:52

You should add any thing inside Solution Explorer of Visual Studio. Instead of just copying the image to folder in Windows Explorer, press Right Click on any folder in Solution Explorer go to Add > Existing Item... and select the path to your resource to be added.


I defined my image as next:

<Image Source="/Resources/Images/icon.png"/>

The image is displayed in Visual Studio designer but no image is displayed when I launched the app! It made me nuts! I tried all Build Actions with clean/build, no luck.

In my case the problem is caused by the fact that the control (which uses Image) and the app itself are in different projects. Resources/Images folder is in the Controls project. As result the app attempted to find icon.png in its own Debug folder, but actually it is in Controls' Debug folder.

So two solutions work for me:

1) put Resources/Images in the app's project (not so good when there are several projects which use controls from Controls project, but it works)

2) specify the name of Controls project explicitly inside Image:

<Image Source="/Controls;component/Resources/Images/icon.png"/>

Make a new folder and put your pictures in the new folder and write this in XAML

<Image Source="/newfolder/icon.png"/>

For me, changing the "build action" to "Resource" and the "copy to output directory" to "Do not copy" has solved my problem.


In case anyone arrives here and has the image set as "Resource" and "Do not copy" and it still doesn't work, I was able to fix this by toggling Build Action for the image off of "Resource" and then back again.


Source="file:///D:/100x100.jpg"/> works for me.

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