I'm using Ant exec to run a program after my build, the program is a java programm that has a scanner that waits for user input, to choose an option before it does anything, currently ant exec just runs the program, shows the options and continues with other targets

  [jar] Building jar: /home/me/workspace/app/build/somejar.jar

[exec]  Choose one of the following menus 
[exec] 0. Exit 
[exec] 1. do something 
[exec] 2. do something  
[exec] 3. do something amazing 
[exec] 4. do something wonderful 

  • Try to nest your operations in <sequential>yourtasks</sequential> task. I don't know if it will help but you can try.
    – pepuch
    Mar 28, 2013 at 13:48

1 Answer 1


Consider using the <input> task to get the choice, then pass that along as an input attribute to the <exec> task or use it as an argument for your <exec> task if your program will accept command line arguments.

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