
Can someone help me translate a line from this code to C++ Builder:


I was doing good until this line:

 POP3Client.SASLMechanisms.Add.SASL := tidsasl(con_sasl_anonymous);

Additional question - is there a "good" order of SASL mechanisms to try out - from most secure to least secure? In other words, what would be a good order of them? I would try with SHA1 first, then MD5 then... something here... and PlainText as last one.

  • POP3Client>SASLMechanisms>Add>SASL = (TIdSASL*)con_sasl_anonymous;
    – TLama
    Mar 30, 2013 at 21:29
  • That doesn't work because Add(TIdSASListEntry *) is a function - it expects TIdSASListEntry * as parameter so there may be something wrong with above code?
    – Coder12345
    Mar 30, 2013 at 21:34
  • 1
    Is Add really a method with parameter ? I don't know, just looking at the Add method of TCollection class, it doesn't expect any parameter (maybe Indy has the TIdSASLEntries based on a different class, I don't know). Anyway, that code is unsafe since adding of that collection item may fail and you may access not existing object. Safer is to have a variable where you'll store the added collection item. It might be this way.
    – TLama
    Mar 30, 2013 at 21:59
  • Yes, you are right... (TIdSASLListEntry*) is return parameter from Add() function which doesn't require parameters! Can't believe I didn't notice that. Now everything works! Thanks!
    – Coder12345
    Mar 30, 2013 at 22:06

1 Answer 1


For future googlers - thanks to TLama:

TIdSASLListEntry *se = POP3Client->SASLMechanisms->Add();
se->SASL = (TIdSASL*)con_sasl_anonymous;

Or if you prefer C++ style casts:

TIdSASLListEntry *se = POP3Client->SASLMechanisms->Add();
se->SASL = static_cast<TIdSASL*>(con_sasl_anonymous);
  • 1
    Assuming con_sasl_anonymous is a TIdSASLAnonymous component, then you don't need the type-cast at all (the original DElphi code did not need to type-cast, either): se->SASL = con_sasl_anonymous; Apr 1, 2013 at 17:34

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