Greets all

I'm trying to output a character (a parenthesis) ')' to a file multiple times based on the length of a for loop. Example:

for i=1 length(array) 

output to the file would be 23))))))

the length of the array is 6 it should print 6 parenthesis )))))) to the file

I'm using octave/matlab on linux.

1 Answer 1


use repmat, for example: string = repmat(')',1,6) will produce )))))) and store it in variable string. And you can then append this string before fprintf into a file.

string = repmat(')',1,6)
fprintf(fid,[num2str(num1) string])

Btw, the string concatenate in matlab is done much nicer using: str = ['str1' 'str2' 'str3'] than strcat.

  • I found out you can also do it this way paraStr=[]; for zz=1:length(array_combined) paraStr=[paraStr ')']; end
    – Rick T
    Apr 6, 2013 at 22:40

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