I have a Datagrid as Master Table and a Pie-Chart for Detail's display. I have a list of Servers with their ServerID's in the Master Table like this-

enter image description here

and my Details table is

enter image description here

I would like to display the latest value of RAM(depending on the RAM_ID)- Used & Available in the Pie chart when I click on the respective serverID.

for example the values for server 1 will be displayed as (from Ram_ID) enter image description here

for server 2

enter image description here

& for server 3

enter image description here

What I have Tried,

public override void OnApplyTemplate()
        using (DB_Entities db = new DB_Entities())

          var ramRow = db.UsageRAMs.OrderByDescending(c => c.ID).First();                

          var Ram = new List<UsageRAM>() { new UsageRAM() { name = "Used"  , value = ramRow.Used },
                                          new UsageRAM() { name = "Available" , value = ramRow.Available}};

          this.ramViewSource = (CollectionViewSource)this.FindResource("ramView");
          ramViewSource.Source = Ram;


<customControls:LabeledPieChart x:Name="labeledPieChartRAM" BorderBrush="Transparent" Margin="2,10,35,27" Grid.RowSpan="3" Grid.Column="1">
       <Style TargetType="dv:Legend">
        <Setter Property="Width" Value="0" />
   <customControls:LabeledPieSeries x:Name="labeledPieSeriesRAM" 
      ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource ramView}}"                                                              
      PieChartLabelStyle="{StaticResource pieChartLabelStyle}" 
      PieChartLabelItemTemplate="{StaticResource pieChartLabelDataTemplate}" 
      IndependentValuePath="name" DependentValuePath="value" IsSelectionEnabled="True"
      LabelDisplayMode="ArcMidpoint" />


enter image description here

The output for the above code displays the latest value from the details table, i.e it takes the values from RAM_ID 8, but I need values for each server when selected. how to achieve this ? kindly help


2 Answers 2


Try Something Like this

    //In this query i am grouping the record by ServerID and Selecting ServerID+ Max(Ram_ID )

     using (DB_Entities db = new DB_Entities())
        var lstRamList = (from usgRam in DB.UsageRAMs 
           group usgRam  by new { usgRam.ServerID} 
           into grp
           TMP_ID_ServerID = grp.Key.ServerID,
           TMP_MAX_RAM_ID= grp.Max(x => x.Ram_ID)}); 

 //in this lower list we save all the record from the Db.UsageRAMs where k.ServerID(from above list) == d.ServerID(from Your DB Context) && k.TMP_MAX_RAM_ID == d.Ram_ID
    var lstRAMListFinal = from d in db.UsageRAMs
    where lstRamList.Any(k =>
                        k.TMP_ID_ServerID== d.ServerID  &&
                        k.TMP_MAX_RAM_ID == d.Ram_ID)
   select d;
  • first of all thanks for the update. but I get many errors when I try this sample. did you try this ?
    – Indhi
    Apr 8, 2013 at 11:23
  • i dnt have the exact table and their column name so i didnt tried it. i made the query from the mentioned Tables and their column names..
    – YOusaFZai
    Apr 8, 2013 at 11:40
  • Yes, i will share it.. I have edited few spacing errors and now it looks fine. could you please give me some explanation about the above code by putting them in comments. so that I can try to understand
    – Indhi
    Apr 8, 2013 at 11:53
  • thanks for the comment kind of you. I have edited the above update and posted a link
    – Indhi
    Apr 8, 2013 at 12:17
  • I still have an error :( at one place.. then if I execute only I can see. but till now thank u very much
    – Indhi
    Apr 8, 2013 at 12:30

If i am not wrong you can simply use RECORD_DATE Column in Details table!!!enter image description here

  • I already have one.. I want to display depending upon the RAM_ID column (this is a auto increment coulmn)
    – Indhi
    Apr 8, 2013 at 10:29
  • Then group the Detail Table by ServerID and select the Record by Max Ram_ID
    – YOusaFZai
    Apr 8, 2013 at 10:50

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