I've created a report based on this query:

SELECT sum(IIF(foo=True, 1, 0)), sum(IIF(bar=True, 1, 0)) from xy;

So I get the following result:

|   Foo   |   Bar   |   ...    |
| Value 1 | Value 2 | ...      |

And then I generate a report from that result:

enter image description here

My question is; how do I order the values in ascending or descending order?

1 Answer 1


One does not normally "sort" (i.e., change the order of) fields in a report. Controls are bound to fields, and controls (usually) have a fixed location in the report layout.

I think you want to do something more like this instead:

Create a query that puts the sums into rows instead of columns...

SELECT "foo" AS Item, SUM(IIf(foo = True, 1, 0)) AS Total FROM xy
SELECT "bar" AS Item, SUM(IIf(bar = True, 1, 0)) AS Total FROM xy

...and then use the resulting rows...

Item  Total
----  -----
foo      12
bar       8

...in a report. You can sort the rows in the usual way, i.e., via the "Group and Sort" button on the "Design" tab.

  • Thanks for the reply. I'm a little rusty on sql. I'm aware of unions but I've never needed to apply them. I'll let you know how it goes.
    – Sheldon
    Apr 10, 2013 at 9:06

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