I need to compare two xml files and then show a screen like the one in WinMerge (both files and the differences reded and greened). It is well know as side-by-side comparation. Is there any tool to do that? and last but not lease, an open source toool?

  • You are looking for what is generally known as a diff viewer. I don't know an open source viewer for Windows offhand, but hopefully that will find you something. Apr 11, 2013 at 20:54

2 Answers 2


You question does not really show that you even researched what you are looking for because with one search of google I found a tool that does what you are looking for it is called Altova.

Link - This is the tool I found it's not open source but it has the red and green feature you are looking for.


There is one more tool WinMerge which is able to compare directories, and files. It is free and userfriendly, you can download it from http://winmerge.org/.

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