How to use hql update query using hibernate template thi is the hql statement "update Login set empSmartId = 48750005" +" where empPassword = 6328ef1675ddb7106eba8dc2661961d7"

using getHibernatetemplate()

Current code:

public class LoginDaoImp extends HibernateDaoSupport implements LoginDao { 
    public boolean resetAttempt(Login login) { 
        try {
            return true; 
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return false;


i can save whole pojo class above code work but i want to use where condition


1 Answer 1


HibernateDaoSupport will have a getSession() method which will return the hibernate session object for the DataSource configured. Using this session, you can say

Query updateQuery = getSession().createQuery("update Login l set l.empSmartId = :smartId where password = :password")
                   .setParameter("smartId", 48750005)
                   .setParameter("password", "6328ef1675ddb7106eba8dc2661961d7");
int noOfUpdatedRows = updateQuery.executeUpdate();

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