I'm busy with a project and one of the stumbling blocks I've come across has been the following:

I have a bookings table, which may or may not result in an invoice being issued (because of some irrelevant stuff such as cancellations). How would I enforce a one (on the bookings side) to zero-or-one (on the invoice side) relationship? Here's what I have thus far:

   `booking_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   
   `voucher_id` int(11) NOT NULL,  
   `pickup_date_time` datetime NOT NULL, ...  
   PRIMARY KEY (`booking_id`,`voucher_id`)  

And then, later on:

  `booking_id` int(11) NOT NULL,  
  `voucher_id` int(11) NOT NULL,  
  `invoice_number` int(11) NOT NULL,  
  `paid` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,  
  PRIMARY KEY (`booking_id`,`voucher_id`),  
  UNIQUE KEY `invoice_number` (`invoice_number`),  
  KEY `voucher_id` (`voucher_id`)  

voucher_id is just something else I use in the system. The invoice_number is also generated in the PHP, so this is irrelevant.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • I should add that I hate any nullable values. So anything that avoids NULLs will be awesome! Apr 14, 2013 at 14:55
  • I don't see any problem with your current design.
    – Dan Bracuk
    Apr 14, 2013 at 15:00
  • 1
    Also, the compound key in bookings - this implies I can have the same booking_id twice as long as I enter a different voucher_id? You should make booking_id the PK and add a UNIQUE constraint on voucher_id to enforce that a voucher can only be used once. OR bring 'booking_id' to the vouchers table (yes this will be nullable) I.e. vouchers that are not yet used will have null as booking_id and an existing booking_id once they have been used.
    – thaJeztah
    Apr 14, 2013 at 15:15
  • 2
    No it doesn't; first of all, AutoNumber is just to assist creating a new number, it doesn't prevent you from manually inserting a record with a booking_id, which will allow duplicated booking_ids. Furthermore; is a voucher required to make a booking? And finally, if you want 'gapless' booking-ids (I.e. don't want 0001, 0005, 0006), don't rely on AutoNumber either, because a failed insert may also increment the counter. IMO, booking_id is the PK, voucher_id is a foreign key for 'vouchers' (and should be nullable if a voucher is not required for a booking)
    – thaJeztah
    Apr 14, 2013 at 15:50
  • 1
    Also mark my first comment; the same applies to invoices; PK should be invoice_id and now that the PK for bookings is booking_id you can remove the voucher_id column. One final thing to consider; if a booking can have multiple vouchers applied (e.g. If a voucher is used to get a discount, and combining them is allowed) then store them as a n:m relation (HasAndBelongsToMany) inside a join table bookings_vouchers
    – thaJeztah
    Apr 14, 2013 at 16:26

1 Answer 1


This is more-less just a systematization of what @thaJeztah already suggested in his comments, but here you go anyway...

CREATE TABLE voucher (
    voucher_id int(11) PRIMARY KEY
   -- Etc...

CREATE TABLE booking (
    voucher_id int(11) REFERENCES voucher (voucher_id),
    pickup_date_time datetime NOT NULL
   -- Etc...

CREATE TABLE invoice (
    invoice_number int(11) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    booking_id int(11) NOT NULL UNIQUE REFERENCES booking (booking_id),
    paid tinyint(1) NOT NULL
   -- Etc...

Minimal cardinality: There can be a booking without an invoice. There cannot, however, be an invoice without the booking (due to the FK on the non-NULL field invoice.booking_id).

Maximal cardinality: A booking cannot be connected to multiple invoices due to the UNIQUE constraint on invoice.booking_id. An invoice cannot be connected to multiple bookings, simply because one field (in one row) cannot contain multiple values.

So, the resulting relationship between booking and invoice is "one to zero or one".

Alternatively, put everything in just one table with NULL-able fields that get progressively filled as the booking advances.

  • Is there generally a reason for using two tables as opposed to one with nullable fields, or is it simply personal preference?
    – kcstricks
    Jun 10, 2016 at 3:30
  • 1
    @kcstricks In this particular case, no. However, if this is a part of a larger database model, you may want to keep the independent tables, so you can more easily connect them to the tables from the rest of the model. There may also be some physical considerations - this answer lists some of these concerns for a true 1:1 relationship, but some of them may be applicable to 1:0..1 as well... Jun 10, 2016 at 7:10

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