I am using a struct in a project, like so:

struct Position
    public int X { get; private set; }
    public int Y { get; private set; }
    // etc

I would like to add a method that allows me to create a modified copy of the struct with arbitrarily changed properties. For example, it would be convenient to use this:

var position = new Position(5, 7);
var newPos = position.With(X: position.X + 1);

Is this idiom hacky? Are there better ways to support this?

public Position With(int? X = null, int? Y = null)
    return new Position(X ?? this.X, Y ?? this.Y);

Edit: in case it was unclear, the struct is immutable, I simply want to create a new value with some values modified. Incidentally, this is very similar to Haskell's syntactic sugar for records, where one would write newPos = oldPos { x = x oldPos + 1 }. This is just a bit experimental as to whether such an idiom is helpful in C#.

  • belongs to codereview.stackexchange.com
    – MikroDel
    Apr 15, 2013 at 9:41
  • I would have thought it would be more appropriate to create an interface for a deep clone. Note that using the standard ICloneable is not recommended, see blogs.msdn.com/b/brada/archive/2003/04/09/49935.aspx
    – ed_me
    Apr 15, 2013 at 9:42
  • 2
    Do you really need the struct to be mutable at all? And do you definitely need one With method instead of two?
    – Jon Skeet
    Apr 15, 2013 at 9:42
  • Take a look at DateTime...
    – AK_
    Apr 15, 2013 at 9:50
  • 1
    As @AK_ says, have a look at DateTime and see if the Add-behaviour is something along the lines of what you need. If not, have a look at propertyexpression and see if that looks better to you (the syntax in your example would be var newPos = orgPos.With(pos => pos.X, orgPos.X + 1); where it's possible to chain multiple With for every property you want to change.). And I'd also recommend to follow @JonSkeet advice on mutability, it doesn't really seem to be needed (in general mutable value-types are a bad idea).
    – flindeberg
    Apr 15, 2013 at 10:07

4 Answers 4


Personally, I consider the idiom of a plain-old-data-struct to be vastly underrated. Mutable structs which encapsulate state in anything other than public fields are problematic, but sometimes it's useful to bind together a fixed collection of variables stuck together with duct tape so they can be passed around as a unit. A plain-old-data-struct is a perfect fit for that usage; it behaves like a fixed collection of variables stuck together with duct tape, since that's what it is. One can with some work come up with an immutable class which requires slow and hard-to-read code to do anything with, or with some more work come up with something that's still slow but not quite so unaesthetic; one can also code structures in such fashion as to mimic such classes. In many cases, however, the only effect of going through all that effort is that one's code will be slower and less clear than it would have been if one had simply used a PODS.

The key thing that needs to be understood is that a PODS like struct PersonInfo { public string Name, SSN; public Date Birthdate; } does not represent a person. It represents a space that can hold two strings and a date. If one says var fredSmithInfo = myDatabase.GetPersonInfo("Fred Smith");, then FredSmithInfo.BirthDate doesn't represent Fred Smith's birthdate; it represents a variable of type Date which is initially loaded with the value returned by a call to GetPersonInfo--but like any other variable of type Date, could be changed to hold any other date.


That's about as neat a way as you're going to get. Doesn't seem particularly hacky to me.

Although in cases where you're just doing position.X + 1 it'd be neater to have something that was like:

var position = new Position(5,7);
var newPos = position.Add(new Position(1,0));

Which would give you a modified X value but not a modified Y value.

  • Seems redundant - they might as well do position = new Position(...) in this case. Apr 15, 2013 at 9:53
  • It's a consistency thing to just keep it in line with how .Net does things. Think of DateTime for instance.
    – PhonicUK
    Apr 15, 2013 at 9:55
  • 2
    Adding one position to another doesn't make much sense. Yes, you can get it to work in terms of the raw numbers, but it doesn't make logical sense. Adding a vector to a position makes much more sense. So while "London + New York" doesn't logically give you a position, "London + 10 miles East" does.
    – Jon Skeet
    Apr 15, 2013 at 10:14
  • 1
    @JonSkeet I don't disagree - I was specifically referring to OP's example of position.With(X: position.X + 1); when I had that in mind.
    – PhonicUK
    Apr 15, 2013 at 10:41

One could consider this approach as a variant of the prototype pattern where the focus is on having a template struct rather than avoiding the cost of new instances. Whether the design is good or bad depends on your context. If you can make the message behind the syntax clear (I think the name With you're using is a bit unspecific; maybe something like CreateVariant or CreateMutant would make the intention clearer), I would consider it an appropriate approach.


I'm adding an expression based form as well. Do note the horrendous boxing/unboxing which needs to be done due to the fact that it is a struct.

But as one can see the format is quite nice:

var p2 = p.With(t => t.X, 4);
var p3 = p.With(t => t.Y, 7).With(t => t.X, 5); // Yeah, replace all the values :)

And the method is really applicable to all kinds of types.

public void Test()
  var p = new Position(8, 3);

  var p2 = p.With(t => t.X, 4);
  var p3 = p.With(t => t.Y, 7).With(t => t.X, 5);


public struct Position
  public Position(int X, int Y)
    this._X = X; this._Y = Y;

  private int _X; private int _Y;
  public int X { get { return _X; } private set { _X = value; } }
  public int Y { get { return _Y; } private set { _Y = value; } }

  public Position With<T, P>(Expression<Func<Position, P>> propertyExpression, T value)
    // Copy this
    var copy = (Position)this.MemberwiseClone();
    // Get the expression, might be both MemberExpression and UnaryExpression
    var memExpr = propertyExpression.Body as MemberExpression ?? ((UnaryExpression)propertyExpression.Body).Operand as MemberExpression;
    if (memExpr == null)
      throw new Exception("Empty expression!");

    // Get the propertyinfo, we need this one to set the value
    var propInfo = memExpr.Member as PropertyInfo;
    if (propInfo == null)
      throw new Exception("Not a valid expression!");

    // Set the value via boxing and unboxing (mutable structs are evil :) )
    object copyObj = copy;
    propInfo.SetValue(copyObj, value); // Since struct are passed by value we must box it
    copy = (Position)copyObj;
    // Return the copy
    return copy;

  public override string ToString()
    return string.Format("X:{0,4} Y:{1,4}", this.X, this.Y);

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