I want to switch from KindleIT's to Google's App Engine Maven plugin. When using the KindleIT plugin, I launched the GAE dev server right in the pre-integration-test phase. I shutdown the dev server once the integration tests are complete in post-integration-test. We are using the surefire plugin to run our unit and integration tests.


I am doing that because I want to run integration tests agains the locally running GAE app. How can I do the same with Google's App Engine plugin?


I want to use something like the

mvn appengine:devserver

goal. But this just launches the devserver in the foreground. I want Maven to launch the dev server in the background before the tests.

2 Answers 2


This isn't supported yet on the official plugin, but we're working on it and I'm hoping to get it into a snapshot build soon. I'll keep you posted, but this issue is where I'm tracking my work on that: https://code.google.com/p/appengine-maven-plugin/issues/detail?id=5

  • Thanks for sharing the link! I starred the issue. Can you provide an ETA? Do you think you are days, weeks, or months away from this? Thanks!
    – Ingo
    Apr 16, 2013 at 2:01
  • As long as the GAE credentials cannot be stored anywhere, the plugin cannot be used on CI servers. There is a feature request about storing email and password in ~/.m2/Settings.xml.
    – Ingo
    Apr 17, 2013 at 13:45

Use maven-jetty-plugin. This plugin starts jettty instance and run your war/gae project.

you can run this plugin in pre-integration-test phase, then run integration test, and in the post-integration-test-phase the server will shutdown.

I´m working with gae application, and works fine with this plugin.

This is my configuration, i hope help you:

                    <connector implementation ="org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector" >

In addition, maybe you´ll found this exection on execution: Exception in thread "Shutdown" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/jasper /runtime/JspApplicationContextImpl

This will be solved adding this dependency to your pom.xml


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