Let's say I have the following:

class Base 
    Base() { }

class A : public Base

class B : public Base

Now suppose I do this with a template:

TemplatedClass<Base> *generic = new TemplatedClass<A>();

It doesn't work, and I believe I understand why, but I'd like to know if I can do something equivalent. I have several template specializations of the form

typedef TemplatedClass<A> ASpec;
typedef TemplatedClass<B> BSpec;
typedef TemplatedClass<C> CSpec;

I have a single variable whose type I'd like to defer until runtime, so that I can dynamically assign it like

  generic = new ASpec();
else if(condition2)
  generic = new BSpec();

Is there any way to go about this? I don't have the ability to change the fact that the classes are templated and not inheriting from a base class, or I'd just do that.

  • where is TemplatedClass defined?
    – stardust
    Apr 18, 2013 at 18:07
  • Of course it doesn't work. There is no template named TemplatedClass. Nobody's going to guess what this template does. Apr 18, 2013 at 18:08
  • TemplatedClass represents a made-up class template for the purposes of this question. Pretend for a moment that I replaced TemplatedClass with std::vector. My question is less about the specific code I wrote and more about whether or not the assignment would ever be valid for any template specialization.
    – automatom
    Apr 18, 2013 at 18:22
  • For std::vector, no. For some other template, maybe. It depends on the template. Apr 18, 2013 at 18:24

2 Answers 2


This is not possible in C++. The fact that A derives from Base doesn't mean that TemplatedClass<A> derives from TemplatedClass<Base>.

See this Stack Overflow post for alternatives: Conversion from STL vector of subclass to vector of base class


You can derive TemplatedClass<T> from TemplatedClass<Base>, either by specialising if for Base, or by providing a dummy class like this:

struct Dummy {};

template <typename T>
struct BaseClass<T> {
  typedef TemplatedClass<Base> Type;

template <>
struct BaseClass<Base> {
  typedef Dummy Type;

template <typename T>
struct TemplatedClass : BaseClass<T>::Type
  • Thanks, Angew. If I were able to change things at that level, this is the way I'd go, but I have to work with TemplateClass as it's been defined.
    – automatom
    Apr 18, 2013 at 18:28

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