input X group
21 1
62 1
98 1
12 2
87 2

Now I try to calculate a measure as follows:

$$ \sum_{g} \left | X_{ig}-X_{jg} \right | $$

,where $i$ or $j$ ($i \neq j$) indexes an observation. g corresponds to the group variable (here, 1 and 2)

How to calculate this number using loops?

  • 1
    Your latex code is not working properly. Please edit that.
    – Metrics
    Apr 18, 2013 at 22:49

1 Answer 1


Looks like a Gini mean difference, apart from a scaling factor. There are numerous user-written commands already in this territory. There is (unusually) a summary within the Stata manual at [R] inequality.

In addition, this is related to the second L-moment. See the lmoments command from SSC.

You need not calculate this through a double loop over indexes. It collapses to a linear combination of the order statistics.

LATER: See David's 1998 paper which is open-access at


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