After 36 hours of working Hadoop 1.0.3 said:

INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 42% reduce 0%
     mapred.JobClient: Job Failed: # of failed Map Tasks exceeded allowed limit. FailedCount: 1. 
     java.io.IOException: Job failed!
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient.runJob(JobClient.java:1265)

and stopped.

Is it possible to restart Hadoop jobs not from the very beginning (map 0% reduce 0%) ?

1 Answer 1


There doesn't seem to be a good way to restart a failed job. A couple of things to keep in mind:

  1. looks like your in mapred config [mapreduce.map.maxattempts=1] and the default is typically 4

    mapred.JobClient: Job Failed: # of failed Map Tasks 
    exceeded allowed limit. FailedCount: 1.
  2. You would typically want to understand why it failed. (not sure from your post if you identified the issue)

It may have failed for a bogus reason and you can implement this exception into your mapreduce program by providing failure traps. You can implement that same concept using the Hadoop API.

Check out this answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9742235/1515370

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