I'm looking for the best way to combine json files maintaining certain structure using Grunt.

The files are disposed in folders in a structure like this:

├── locales
│   ├── en
│   │   └── translation.json
│   ├── es
│   │   └── translation.json
│   └── fr
│       └── translation.json
└── widgets
    ├── Posts
    │   └── locales
    │       ├── en
    │       │   └── translation.json
    │       ├── es
    │       │   └── translation.json
    │       └── fr
    │           └── translation.json
    ├── Comments
    │   └── locales
    │       ├── en
    │       │   └── translation.json
    │       ├── es
    │       │   └── translation.json
    │       └── fr
    │           └── translation.json
    └── Links
        ├── locales
        │   ├── en
        │   │   └── translation.json
        │   ├── es
        │   │   └── translation.json
        │   └── fr
        │       └── translation.json

And the desired output with the files merged would be:

├── lang
│   ├── en
│   │   └── translation.json
│   ├── es
│   │   └── translation.json
│   └── fr
│       └── translation.json
├── locales
└── widgets

So far I came up with one solution using grunt-contrib-concat, but I think there should be a better way to do it.

concat: {
  translateEN: {
    src: [
    dest: 'www/js/app/lang/en/translation.json',
    options: {
      banner: '{',
      footer: "}",
      separator: ','
  translateES: {
    src: [
    dest: 'www/js/app/lang/es/translation.json',
    options: {
      banner: '{',
      footer: "}",
      separator: ','
  translateFR: {
    src: [
    dest: 'www/js/app/lang/fr/translation.json',
    options: {
      banner: '{',
      footer: "}",
      separator: ','
  • What exactly should be better?
    – jgillich
    Apr 25, 2013 at 19:57
  • You can use something like www/js/app/**locales/en/*.json to keep your code smaller but I'm not even sure if thats the question.
    – jgillich
    Apr 25, 2013 at 19:58

1 Answer 1


I ended up writting my own grunt task for this:

  grunt.task.registerMultiTask('buildLocales', 'Build Locale files.', function() {
    var that = this,
        len = this.filesSrc.length,

    var jsonConcat = function(object1, object2) {
      var key, a1, a2;
      for (key in object2) {
        if (object2.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
          a2 = object2[key];
          a1 = object1[key];
          if (a1) {
            a1.push.apply(a1, a2);
          } else {
            object1[key] = a2;

      return object1;

    var iterateTroughFiles = function(abspath, rootdir, subdir, filename){
      if (abspath.indexOf('/.svn') === -1){
        outputDir = that.data.dest + '/' + subdir;
        outputFile = outputDir + '/' + filename;

        // If output dir doesnt exists, then create it
        if (!grunt.file.exists(outputDir)) {

        originalFile = grunt.file.readJSON(abspath);

        // if dest file doenst exist, then just copy it.
        if (!grunt.file.exists(outputFile)) {
          grunt.file.write(outputFile, JSON.stringify(originalFile));
        } else {
          // read source file, read dest file. merge them. write it in dest file
          destFile = grunt.file.readJSON(outputFile);

          merged = jsonConcat(destFile, originalFile);

          grunt.file.write(outputFile, JSON.stringify(merged));

    for (var x = 0; x < len; x++) {
      grunt.file.recurse(this.filesSrc[x], iterateTroughFiles);

And the implementation is something like this:

buildLocales: {
    src: [
  • Have you published this as a grunt plugin? could be useful to others Jul 7, 2013 at 21:35

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