when I run bison on my .y file, all I get for output if there are any conflicts is something like:

Program.y: conflicts: 3 shift/reduce

Which if Program.y is more than a handful of lines long is almost completely useless for debugging. I've hunted around to get bison to say something more:

bison Program.y -v
bison Program.y --verbose
bison Program.y --report=state

none of which actually do anything more than the original. Am I missing something? Do I need something in my bison file like:

%allow verbose

or something related? Or this a worse problem with my configuration of bison?

1 Answer 1


The effect of -v is not to display something, but to create a *.output file, typically Program.output in your case. You might want to read the documentation, http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/manual/html_node/Understanding.html.


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