is it possible to run method in new child process? In my example I can execute method Run, which will execute private method doAction in new process (not thread!)

public class MyClass
    public void Run()
        //what should I do there to run 'doAction' in new process?


    private void doAction()
  • 2
    Why would Thread not be sufficient? Why would you ever need 2 myprogram.exe's running at once, just to run a method? (if that's even possible.)
    – ddavison
    May 3, 2013 at 19:05
  • My question is rather curiosity than real problem. I want to know is it possible
    – Jacek
    May 3, 2013 at 19:07
  • To better understand this problem I think we need to better understand your overall way of thinking -tell us what you're trying to achieve (not technically but from a function perspective) so we can better understand. May 3, 2013 at 19:07
  • 1
    A reason to do this would be to execute a long running method not capable of cooperative termination. Jan 29, 2014 at 5:52
  • 1
    @sircapsalot Another reason to use a second myprogram.exe is if doAction needs to be executed in a process started with "Run as administrator." Jan 23, 2015 at 9:54

1 Answer 1


Processes do not share memory and require a mechanism between them to communicate. You can use one of a variety mechanisms for this:

  1. File or data - one process writes to a file or DB, the other reads from and executes some method based on the data or file content
  2. Service host/client - use WCF, .NET Remoting, Named Pipes or direct TCP/IP communication mechanism where one process hosts a service interface implementation and the calling process (the client) uses a proxy of the service interface to serialize and communicate the call to the host process - this is the best approach if you want a stateful request/response interaction
  3. Message queue - use a message queue like MSMQ where one process sends a message to the queue and the other picks it up and executes the method

I'm sure there are others but these are the three most common methods.

My favorite is a light weight service host/client scenario. There are several lightweight utilities to make this easy for you. You can use RemotingLite or my own extension of RemotingLite which supports Named Pipes called DuoVia.Net.

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