SELECT WK_NBR,region_cd,plant_cd, POS_GAP_1DAY 
  FROM(SELECT wk_nbr,region_cd,plant_cd, 
       round((CASE WHEN SUM(gap_1day)>0 THEN SUM(gap_1day) ELSE 0 END     ),2) AS POS_GAP_1DAY
         table a
       group by wk_nbr,region_cd,plant_cd)

In the above query the problem I am facing is POS_GAP_1DAY should sum up only the positive numbers in the column but the above query will not give the right answer since I check SUM(gap_1day)>0.

The problem is I need to group by only wk_nbr,region_cd,plant_cd.

Please suggest

2 Answers 2


Try change

round((CASE WHEN SUM(gap_1day)>0 THEN SUM(gap_1day) ELSE 0 END     ),2) AS POS_GAP_1DAY


ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN SIGN(gap_1day) > 0 THEN gap_1day ELSE 0 END), 2) AS POS_GAP_1DAY
  • @Mani You're welcome. Glad it helped :D. And as Davide absolutely correctly commented it seems that your outer select is redundant. Therefore if you don't do anything else with the query get rid of it.
    – peterm
    May 13, 2013 at 8:26

done on the spot, so I don't know if it works, but...

 SELECT wk_nbr,region_cd,plant_cd, 
        round(SUM(CASE WHEN GAP_1DAY>0 then GAP_1DAY else 0 end),2) AS POS_GAP_1DAY
     table a
   group by wk_nbr,region_cd,plant_cd

doesn't do what you want?

  • :yes it does :( I am new to SQL. Thank you so much
    – MKN
    May 13, 2013 at 8:18
  • 2
    just a quick note.. the outer select is redundant in your specific case
    – Davide
    May 13, 2013 at 8:21

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