I've just installed at local a Jenkins server in order to execute some tests using Selenium Webdriver.

When I execute the tests, the initial steps are executing well (maven calls, access to repo,...) but when the first selenium step have to be executed, I get this error:

(java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to window server - not enough permissions.)

What permissions are refered?

I'm executing from my main user in my computer in a MacOSX. I've looked information in jenkins site and google, but I can get anything.

2 Answers 2


Add JVM options -Djava.awt.headless=true

On the instance I use, the "JVM Options" field is only visible from the "Advanced..." button under the Launch Method sub-heading.

  • 2
    On the instance I use, the "JVM Options" field is only visible from the "Advanced..." button under the Launch Method sub-heading.
    – amacleod
    Dec 30, 2013 at 22:20
  • 1
    Added the comment to the answer.
    – chakrit
    Oct 22, 2014 at 7:38

Have you tried adding a different JDK to your box and using that for your build? I had a similar issue with a Jenkins build job on my mac and was able to correct it: Jenkins build failed on OSX

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