I have a list as follows:

{CT, MA, VA, NY}

I submit this list to a function and I get the optimum waypoint order list


Now I have to rearrange the list as per the order that is newly provided. i.e. after rearranging, the list should look like:

{VA, CT, MA, NY}

What is the optimum way to do it? Using linq is there a way?

  • 6
    LINQ ALL THE THINGS!!!!11111ONEONE. But seriously, just because you are manipulating a list, does not mean you should use Linq. In fact, this one is simple enough that using Linq probably overcomplicates it
    – cadrell0
    May 15, 2013 at 18:27
  • 5
    @cadrell0, while your point is well taken, there is nothing complicated about the Linq on this one. May 15, 2013 at 18:28

2 Answers 2


You could try the following:

var list = new List<string>{"CT", "MA", "VA", "NY"};
var order = new List<int>{2, 0, 1, 3};
var result = order.Select(i => list[i]).ToList();
  • 4
    @weston The question clearly states that - no assumptions here :)
    – Li0liQ
    May 15, 2013 at 18:43
  • Awesome solution: just to clearify whats happening here: the list "order" sort of assigns a new order value to the old list in the order of the existing list. so basically stating that: CT now is 2, MA = 0, VA = 1 and NY = 3. Next we are cycling trough the existing list and selecting the items by its index with the new order. the final "toList()" then puts it back onto a list "result" which is the same exact list as before (even with many properties to the list) only in the desired order. its a very smart and quick solution.
    – inno
    Nov 4, 2022 at 11:23

This seems like the simplest approach:

oldItems = LoadItems(); //{"CT","MA","VA","NY"};
List<string> newItems = List<string>();
foreach(int idx in returnedIndexes)

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