I need to search for a string in a zip archive containing multiple text files. How can I use perl Archive::Zip to do that? Also, what other module can it, if any?

My basic requirement is to find a particular text file in zipped archive which contains a given string.


1 Answer 1


Just a simple example how to iterate over all files in a zip,

use strict;
use Archive::Zip;
my ($path, $filename) = ('c:\\temp\\', 'many_filez.zip'); #try / instead of \\?
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new($path.$filename);
unless ($zip) {
    die dump "cannot open '$path' + '$filename'" 
#find only css-files
my @members = $zip->membersMatching('.*\.css');
foreach my $member (@members) {
    my $file_content = $zip->contents($member );
    if ($file_content =~ /text to look for/ ) {
        print "\n $member->{fileName} did have a match";

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